Judge Ms Cassie Frank
Best of Breed GCHG CH Cadnoclun’s Trippy Little Hippie
Best of Winners Oak Leaf Redbud Let’s Go!
Best of Opp GCHB CH Redbud Across the Universe
Select Dog GCH CH Geran’s Big Money of Glasshouse
Select Bitch GCH CH Dragonpatch Amarantine
Awards of Merit
GCHB CH Onalee Telltail That Touch of Mink
GCH CH Ebonwald Madegann Quick Study TKN
CH Allegro No Sleep Till Brooklyn BCAT
CH Rocky Ridge’s First Time In Forever
CH Ula Manna’s Dorothy Gale of the O.Z.
Winners Dog Oak Leaf Redbud Let’s Go!
Reserve Winners Dog Onalee TellTail Inky Black
Winners Bitch Onalee-Telltail’s Scourge of the Sea
Reserve Winners Bitch Meurig Telltail Take a Chance on Me
Sweepstakes Judge: Mark Clarke
Best in Puppy Sweeps Meurig Telltail Take a Chance On Me
Best Opp In Puppy Sweeps GCH CH Geran’s Big Money Of Glasshouse
Best Veteran in Sweeps CH Social Dreaming Matrix HSADS CGC
Full Catalog: